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Gotham City is swarming with crime and only one man can stop it: The Batman. Batman is a 1989 movie by Tim Burton starring Michael Keaton in the title role. Critically acclaimed and stylistically groundbreaking, it was the first movie of the Batman Anthology. 1 Appearing in 'Batman' 2 Synopsis for 'Batman' 2.1 Bat Attack 2.2 Nest of Vipers 2.3 Gotham's 200th Anniversary 2.4 Vicki Vale 2.5 A. I'm a huge fan of Batman - so for the first video of the From Screen to Script series is on a movie that would help motivate me to shape my filmmaking career. You are looking at a replica of an autographed script from Tim Burton's 1989 'Batman'. The Title Page, along with its Autographs, are professionally printed on high-quality paper. The pages are held together with industry-standard brass-plated fasteners. The script comes in a clear protective sleeve with a stabilizing insert. Download movie, tv, and web series scripts in PDF format. Download movie, tv, and web series scripts in PDF format. Browse hundreds of screenplays. Browse 2018 Oscar Nominated 2019 Oscar Nominated 2020 Oscar Nominated A24 ABC Action Adventure Amazon AMC Animation BBC.
Well, I don’t know if you are a Batman fan or not, but if you are an AI enthusiastic then this Batman movie script written by AI bot will definitely going to make you crazy.
The next movie of Batman is likely to come in 2021 but in the meantime, DC fans are doing what they can to get their Caped Crusader fix. One of such DC fan grab an AI bot with him and watch the old episodes with it.

Keaton Patti is the name of this fan and he has created an AI bot whose specialty is writing scripts. Keaton Patti has trained his bot over mover than 1,000 hours of Batman films.
Recently on his twitter handle, Patti explains his process and shared the first full page of the script. That one page contains more talking points than perhaps all of Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice.
Keaton Patti said “I forced a bot to watch over 1,000 hours of Batman movies and then asked it to write a Batman movie of its own. Here is the first page.”
The New Yorker, and Comedy Central has also posted the first page of a Batman movie script written by an AI. The result is the script below. It must be read to be believed.
I forced a bot to watch over 1,000 hours of Batman movies and then asked it to write a Batman movie of its own. Here is the first page.
— Keaton Patti (@KeatonPatti) August 13, 2019
First up, it’s very funny. And lines like “Eat a dinner, Mattress Wayne” and “I drink bats, just like a bat would!” have a certain A1 vibe to them. Knaben database.
The thing kicks off with our hero in the Batcave, who is celebrating as the city is now safe because he, and this is a direct quote, “punched a penguin into prison.” Things get even weirder.
Alfred is Bruce Wayne’s “batler” who refers to him as “mattress Wayne,” as opposed to Master Wayne. And that’s just within the first few lines. To say that things get exponentially more insane from there would be an understatement.
The page revolves around Joker and Two-Face busting into the Batcave who hate him for “being a bat.” As with any good Batman story, we must be reminded that his parents are dead. Dark descent store.
However, one has to wonder what the AI was computing when it had Batman say, “Alfred, give birth to Robin.” Readers have to give the AI credit, though, for the joke of an expired coupon for new parents, and the line, “Happy batday, Birthman.”
This script written by the AI though is enough to get just about anyone laughing within the first couple of pages. Hopefully, Patti posts the remaining pages so readers can see what happens next.
The expired coupon for parents? The flipping of Alfred? They just feel a bit too good for a bot, unless Patti’s got a next-level AI from the future that’s come back to stop Connors, in which case he’s really burying the lede.
When it comes to Batman you don’t really expect to laugh since his story isn’t all that comical, but this script will no doubt have you busting up after a while since it’s hard not to laugh at the absurdities that the AI decided to throw in there.
The moment a computer program can think around corners and go psychotic as the average fiction writer, then it might be time to worry since our jobs could be in jeopardy.
It’s impossible to predict where a full AI-written Batman movie would go, but it would certainly be worth a read based on this one page. As for when we’ll get an actual live-action movie centered on the Dark Knight.
More in AI
Batman/Bruce Wayne
Jack Napier
Multiple Characters
The Joker

Joker: I like him already. (laughs)
Bruce: You know what the problem was? He got sloppy, then crazy. He started to lose it. He had a head full of bad wiring, I guess. Couldn't keep him straight up here. He was a kind of guy who couldn't hear a train until it was two feet from him. You know what happens now, Jack? Well, he made mistakes and he ended WITH HIS LIGHTS OUT!! YOU WANNA GET NUTS?!! COME ON, LET'S GET NUTS!!
Joker: Tell me something, my friend. Have you ever danced with the devil in the pale moonlight?
Bruce: What?
Joker: I always ask that to all my prey. I just like the sound of it.
[Joker shoots Bruce]
Bruce Wayne: You know my life is really complex. You know how a normal person gets up.. and goes downstairs and.. eats breakfast.. kisses somebody goodbye [Bruce stares off in the distance, but his arms move as if to kiss someone goodbye], and.. goes to a job [he makes a pushing motion with his hands, as if someone going out a door], and.. [hrmmph].. you know?
Vicki Vale: No.
Joker: It's me. 'Sugar bumps'.
Grissom': Jack? Oh, thank God you're alive! I heard you been..
Joker: Fried? Is that what you heard? You set me up over a woman. A WOMAN!!! You must be insane. [Laughs]
[Grissom reaches for a gun]
Joker:(Pulls out gun) Don't bother.
Grissom: Your life won't be worth SPIT!
Joker: I've been dead once already. It's very liberating. You should think of it as..therapy. (steps forward)
Grissom: Jack, listen..maybe we can cut a deal.
Joker: Jack? Jack is dead, my friend. You can call me.. [steps into the light to reveal his gruesome grin] Joker. And as you can see, I'm a lot happier. [Laughs]

Alexander Knox: Question: How do we call him?
Commissioner Gordon: He gave us a signal!

Tim Burton's Batman 3 Script
Scientist at Axis Chemical Factory: Yes, sir.
Joker: Ship 'em all! We're gonna take 'em out a whole new door!
Alfred: I have no wish to spend my few remaining years grieving for the loss of old friends. Or their sons.
Batman 1989 Script Pdf
Joker: You idiot! You made me, remember? You dropped me into that vat of chemicals. That wasn't easy to get over, and don't think that I didn't try!
Batman: I know you did. [punches Joker in the stomach]
Vicki Vale: Which one?
Batman 1989 Sam Hamm Script