Loose Change: A 9/11 Truth Film. 72,478 likes 28 talking about this. Posted 2/26/08 1:57 AM, 17 messages. Www.loosechange911.com; 13 Celebrity conspiracies. Elvis Presley faked his own death (1977) John Lennon murdered by CIA brainwashed assassin (1980) Kurt Cobain murdered (hit authorised by Courtney Love) (1994) Princess Diana killed by British Secret Service (1997) 14 BIG BROTHER IS WATCHING YOU. The NSA (National Security Agency) uses the. Loose Change: A 9/11 Truth Film. 72,867 likes 27 talking about this.
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Zeitgeist: The Spirit of the Moment (shock documentary). Methodical deconstruction of three major events or myths that govern the functioning of our societies:
- Ancient Mythology and Religion: “The Greatest Story Ever Told”
- September 11, 2001: “All The World’s A Stage”
- Federal Reserve – FED and what the author calls “The men behind the curtain“.
Movie very well built. Comprehensive demonstration and presents a revolutionary absolutist and manichean vision of the world. It invites reflection, doubt, searching for truth.
“I hope that people will not take what is said as truth, but discover it by themselves, because the truth is not told, it is realized.”
He warns against those who practice the intellectual orthodoxy, against the lies, no conflicting debates, manichean visions, those who use the emotions, fears, hates, against the simplifications, those who want to impose truth rather than let people build by themselves…
Flash animation produced by Darren Williams. It highlights a number of inconsistencies in the official position of the U.S. authorities regarding the attack on the Pentagon, September 11, 2001.
This document has been subject to comment by Philip D. Zelikow, executive director of the Commission formal investigation for the attacks of September 11, 2001.
Loose Change 1
Speech February 12, 2003 by State Senator Robert Byrd of Virginia, just before the onset of the Washington attack against Iraq.
He delivered this speech in front of a mostly empty room and none gave echoed to his remarks. There is a plan where we see the president squirm, uncomfortable on his seat.
Farewell speech delivered to U.S. television January 17, 1961 by President Dwight D. Eisenhower to the attention of all its citizens. It is entirely focused on a solemn warning about the danger of the rise of the U.S. military industrial complex. Eisenhower used the phrase “military industrial complex“. Visibly uncomfortable, he warned his countrymen that if this entity is not controlled, it can pose a real danger with respect to the democratic functioning of the country.

Vast enterprise set up by the multi-millionaire Jimmy Walter for free distribution worldwide DVD that condenses as conference, survey results on September 11 that have shattered the official theory. U.S. $1 million for the one who will bring back proof that explosives were not used in the World Trade Center.
Souvenir video from a member of the mercenary company based in the United Kingdom : Aegis Defense Services, which was posted on the personal website of an employee of the firm and then quickly removed after the reactions of Internet users. It shows the occupant of a vehicle, apparently in an advanced state of paranoia, blindly firing bursts of automatic weapons on a vehicle approaching too near him throughout a journey in and around Baghdad. Music of Elvis Presley adds a touch of cynicism to the document. On the one hand, it clearly demonstrates that the occupants are a favorite target of suicide attacks, but also the total impunity enjoyed by the occupation troops and their subsidiary in a country officially “freed from tyranny and towards democracy.
Video of a nuclear cannon shot. Date: 25 May, 1953. You can see the immediate effect on its environment using armored video recorders. This was the only operational shot of a 15 kilotons atomic bombshell at a distance of 27 km on the atomic test site in Nevada. Rapid advances in miniaturization of nuclear weapons made possible to manufacture 155mm artillery bombshells usable by the standardized U.S. Army cannons. The eight million of 155mm cannons deployed by the U.S. Army became potential nuclear cannons, which went very quickly Atomic Annie (his codename) obsolete.
The U.S. Army pushed the miniaturization of nuclear weapons to integrate it into a cannon projectiles, 106 mm recoilless short range called Davy Crockett . The users of this weapon should be as brave as Davy Crockett (the man who is never afraid) because the downside of this weapon is to be in the atomic blast what causes it. The gunners have to rush into a hole after pulling to get away.
A simply outstanding document : an analysis of the attacks of September 11, 2001 but also a study that shows how the U.S. government is behind these attacks. This documentary from a 21 years old filmmaker, Dylan Avery (loosechange911.com), is considered as the best documentary revealing the lies and truths about the 9/11.
On 7 November 1999, a solemn Mass was held in the Lower Basilica of Lourdes. It was celebrated by the archbishop of Lyon and concelebrated by the Archbishop of Paris, Cardinal Jean-Marie Lustiger, as well as many other French bishops, priests and all the superiors of Trappist monasteries in the world. The ceremony was broadcast live on French television.
During the offertory the celebrant has placed on the altar two hosts much larger than the others, as is customary in France. Thanks to the different cameras, we can clearly see the two hosts placed one upon the other, forming a single body. They are placed on the paten and adhere perfectly.
The host stands as if moved by a spring and after three or four oscillations in the air, it takes a fixed position, horizontal, about a centimeter above the other, and then stays in this position until the end of the Canon.
Celestine Prophecy.
First Insight : Meaningful coincidences. We are at a point in the developmental history of human consciousness where development will accelerate. The major evidence for this is the increased number of meaningful coincidences people are noticing in their lives.
Second Insight : Historical perspective. This point in human history can best be understood by a revisioning of the past millennium. In the early part of the millennium, human consciousness was dominated by beliefs promulgated by the Catholic Church: one’s proper place in society, humanity at the center of the universe, and the battle between good and evil. These beliefs gave meaning to life. This domination was challenged during the Renaissance and Reformation. At that time, humanity established a grand project of exploring the world, using the tools of science, with the hope of getting a new answer to the meaning of life. While waiting for that answer to come in, attention turned to increasing material comfort. That project is now at an end–material comfort has been achieved, but we have lost touch with sources of meaning. Moreover, the answers we wanted are now appearing–not necessarily from institutional science, but from a variety of sources.
Third insight : Subtle energy. There is an energy, previously undetected by science, that forms the basis of all things. Human perception of that energy starts with an increased awareness of beauty: people, animals, plants, ecosystems that have a high level of that energy appear particularly beautiful. By becoming aware of that energy, we become able to notice when and how we give and receive energy.
Loose Change 9 11 Documentary
London, in the 21st century …
Evey Hammond does not want to forget the man who saved her life and enabled her to overcome her most distant fears. But there was a time where she aspired to be anonymous and escape the omnipotent secret police. Like every other citizen, submitted too quickly, she agreed that her country has lost its soul and give itself to the tyrant Sutler and his supporters.
In this movie, V is more an idea than a person.
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V for Vendetta works on several levels (…) We will address questions it raises about our relationship to power and tyranny, our authenticity, our responsibility and personal power. This movie evokes amount of fascinating facts but is careful not to provide answers.