The Legend Of Zelda Spirit Tracks Train Parts

The only thing train parts improve is the HP of the train. To receive this benefit, you have to use the following. 4 hearts - All original parts 5 hearts - At least one part from trading post, but no complete set 6 hearts - A complete set from the trading post other than the golden parts 8 hearts - The complete set of Golden train parts. The standard train is the Spirit Train and it will have four heart containers of health. However, as Link customizes the train, he can increase the amount of health the train has. 4 Hearts - Complete Spirit Train 5 Hearts - Any 1 Customized Train Part 6 Hearts - Complete Customized Set 8 Hearts - Complete Customized Gold Train.

  1. The Legend Of Zelda Spirit Tracks Rom
  2. The Legend Of Zelda Spirit Tracks Train Parts List
Hey, SoopahGamer here. Sorry, there has been no updates recently on the blog, I had college work and I had to control everything in my life. Anyway, let's talk about the Legend of Zelda Sprit tracks, which came out in 2009, on the Nintendo DS.

I have the complete steel train. I liked getting train parts in phantom hourglass better because it was easier. By the end of the game in PH i had a ton of ship parts, when i beat spirit tracks i. I have the complete steel train. I liked getting train parts in phantom hourglass better because it was easier. By the end of the game in PH i had a ton of ship parts, when i beat spirit tracks i.

In short words: Choo Choo
This part of the story is the next 'chapter' of the Legend of Zelda, adult line. If you check the official Zelda timeline, they discover New Hyrule and this is 100 years after the events of Phantom Hourglass.
The Link in this story is an engineer, that specializes with trains (surprise, surprise). He needs to meet Princess Zelda as she has the power to graduate Link from apprentice to master. Later on, she loses her body and becomes a spirit (surprise, surprise) and pieces of the Spirit Tower (the main tower of the game) are floating in mid-air, and it is your job to fix everything and restore peace to new Hyrule.
For people thinking that this is just a carbon copy of Phantom Hourglass with trains, they are so wrong. It has a lot of new features and is harder than Phantom Hourglass as well, even though it has features similar to Phantom Hourglass like Phantoms and going back to a certain place to proceed in the game. However, they have made differences that make the game feel new, e.g. as Zelda is a ghost, Link can weaken Phantoms and then Zelda can possess them instead making them an ally which is beneficial to completing the tower 9/10.
Also the most important change, the Great Sea into train tracks. This was a risky change, but it paid off in the end, even though exportation is smaller, it makes the game a lot harder as you will need to be a lot more strategic with both your approaches and retreats than with the Great Sea. Also, the Sprit Flute/Pipes is a really interesting feature and by far one of my favorite parts of the game because depending on tune you play (you literally have to blow on your DS's microphone and play the instrument) it will help you in different ways. You even get to play along with characters in the game as well.
Side Quests & Extra Features
This game has a lot of side quests and extra features, you can customize your train, battle for prizes and help NPC's as well. When you help NPC's, they will give you a force gem which can help you with exploration of the game as well because they unlock new track as well, also you can collect stamps for a friend and if you collect all 24 of them you will get a new move, also there are rabbits all over New Hyrule and you have to catch them and put them all in the Bunny Sanctuary.
My personal view on the game
This game is hard, you will die a lot, either from the kamikaze trains or you getting killed by anything that moves, this game is tough, I had to go online when I was stuck (which was a lot.) in the end, the boss battle was also tough as well. The game is fantastic, you get games as challenging as this a few times on certain consoles.
Pros and Cons
P- Brilliant 3D designs, even for the limited engine of the DS.
P- Zelda actually has an active role, more than the damsel in distress.
P- This game has some funny scenes.
P- Loads of stuff to do as well
P- Awesome that you can play the spirit flute in the game as well.
C- This game can be too challenging at times.
C- The AI for Zelda can be pretty stupid at times.
C- Playing the flute could either leave you light-headed or the microphone doesn't pick it up which is irritating.
Score 9200
This game deserves the Legend of Zelda title, Challenging with a mix of old and new features make this game a cut above the rest, buy it if you want a true challenge in the Legend of Zelda franchise.
Until next time, C ya

The Legend Of Zelda Spirit Tracks Rom

Legend of zelda spirit tracks cheats

The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks


Spirit Tracks is the second title to hit the Nintendo DS. The game takes place one hundred years after the close of Phantom Hourglass and contains all new mythology and folklore. Like its predecessors, Spirit Tracks makes use of a long distance traveling method. This time around, the method of transporation is the oft-forgotten vehicle, the train. That's right - Link's riding around in style in a hot new wooden locomotive. Fully customizable with train parts, much like Phantom Hourglass, Link's train is yours to mix and match as you please.

Most remarkable about Spirit Tracks is the gameplay. As is expected, the game is entirely controlled by the touch screen. This control method allows for unique mechanics and seamless item usage, especially with the likes of the boomerang. Also used widely is the DS microphone, for both the Whirlwind, the Spirit Flute, and other gameplay mechanics. But what is truly unique about Spirit Tracks is Zelda's role - our princess plays right alongside Link as a companion and a fellow hero. You are able to control Zelda and other characters via the stylus in certain areas of the game, particularly the sacred Tower of Spirits.


Your adventure begins with an introduction to New Hyrule's mystical history and mythology. The story tells of the first settlers of the land, who followed the spirits of good. But all was not good in the land - an unjust Demon King rose to power and upset the balance. A great war erupted between the spirits of good and this Demon King called Malladus. After much fighting, the spirits were able to imprison the King under the ground. Shackles were created to keep him subdued. These shackles exist today across the Realms of New Hyrule - they are called the Spirit Tracks, and royal engineers are appointed to act as the keepers of the tracks. Our hero Link is a young, to-be-royal-engineer who travels to the Hyrule Castle to be formally accepted into the official ranks. Once there, Princess Zelda requests of him to bring her to the Tower of Spirits, the sacred center of New Hyrule. Unfortunately, the Chancellor and guardian of the royal family, Cole, reveals his plan to free the Demon King Malladus from his imprisonment. Princess Zelda's soul is cleaved from her body as part of the plan to restore Malladus's power, and the Spirit Tracks begin to vanish from the land. Newly ethereal and helpless, Zelda enlists Link's help to get back her body and to restore Malladus's chains in order to maintain balance in her kingdom.

Game Information

The Legend Of Zelda Spirit Tracks Train Parts List

Characters - Identities of characters found in the game.
Heart Containers - Locations of the 13 heart containers.
Mini Games - How to complete the 4 mini games.