Few moments define Usher's career quite like that night in September 2001, when he stood opposite Michael Jackson at a sold-out Madison Square Garden and shared a dance. Usher juked, Jackson followed suit, the two traded moves. “I love you!” Jackson said, pointing. “I love you!” Usher replied, pointing back. It turns out, Usher might be the closest thing we have to Jackson since. To say Usher’s Confessions was the most important album of the aughts is neither hyperbole nor unfounded fanboy-ism. It’s just the truth. Numbers don’t lie: The album sold over 20 million. Born Usher Raymond IV in 1978, and raised in Chattanooga and Atlanta, Usher started his career at age 10, making the rounds and honing his craft on Atlanta-area talent shows. See him on Star Search, circa 1991, singing Boyz II Men’s “End of the Road”, wading through a sea of admirers (“I was a ham,” he joked later).

Source: Bet You Didn’t Know: Black Music Month Edition / iONEDigital
Usher Confessions Itunes
Editor’s Note: This article was originally published on Madamenoire March 23, 2014.
Usher Confessions Itunes Zip

Today marks the day our lives were changed. Exactly ten years ago, to the day, Usher Raymond IV dropped his fourth studio album Confessions and shut the music industry dow-nn. It was, by all accounts, a game changer. I already know the CD is on your iTunes, you know not only the words but have memorized the order of the tracks and can most likely remember what was going on in your life around March 2004. You know Confessions…intimately. But we’d bet good money that you know don’t some of these facts behind the album.
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