Gabiroma is maintaining a table: viewtopic.php?f=4&t=196&p=87780#p87739
Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2: Trainer +14 v1.11 FLiNG The Binding of Isaac: Afterbirth - Table for Cheat Engine Afterbirth+ (Plus) Assassin's Creed: Origins - Trainer +16 v1.51 FLiNG. 03/12 - Doom Eternal: The Ancient Gods - Part One v Trainer - CHA 03/12 - Hades v1.37033 Trainer - CHA 03/12 - Immortals Fenyx Rising Trainer - CHA 03/12 - Red Dead Redemption 2 v1355.18 Trainer +12 - FLG 03/12 - JUMP FORCE v2.04 Trainer +18 - FLG 03/12 - Sakuna: Of Rice and Ruin Trainer +36 - FLG 03/12 - Zinuru The Great Trainer +4 - ABO.
DRAGON BALL XENOVERSE 2 TRAINER +11 V1.11.00 - Trainer Notes: After downloading open it with any compression program. Check the game version first before using the tool in-order for the trainer to work. The best place to get cheats, codes, cheat codes, walkthrough, guide, FAQ, unlockables, tricks, and secrets for Dragon Ball: Xenoverse for PC. When Xenoverse 2 was ported to PC, modders immediately went to work expanding the game beyond its core components, adding in new material to make the already expansive game even larger. As a result, it can be a little overwhelming to select the best games from the list.
Uploading all of my previous tables. No promises to their current working state.Unlimited Health
Unlimited Ki
Unlimited Stamina
One-Hit Kills
Player Pointers
Quest Pointers
Unlimited Items
Unlimited Zeni
Summon Shenron Whenever
Always Rank Z
Show All Shop Items
Show Mixing Shop Stuff

Dbz Xenoverse 2 Trainer Pc
Perfect QQ Bang
Quest Rewards x10
Game Data Pointers
Convert Items
Convert Items with an ID of Zero *** Use at your own risk! ***
This script will convert all items which have an identifier of zero.
It provides a record to enter the identifier you want it changed to.
This identifier will auto increment after it changes one item.
This allows you to continually buy an item with an identifier of zero to unlock all items.
The game stores items in specific categories, like Capsules and Mixing Items.
With this script activate, continually purchase Energy Capsule S a hundred times, individually.
This will unlock all capsules with an identifier of 1 through 100.
Similarly, reset the script to an identifier of 1 and purchase a hundred Small Mixing Capsules.
Then reset it again and purchase a bunch of Hee Hee Sunglasses.
For clothing, you'll have to set the Item ID to Replace to 4 and then buy Yamcha's Turtle Hermit Gi.
Best of luck!
How to use this cheat table?
- Install Cheat Engine
- Double-click the .CT file in order to open it.
- Click the PC icon in Cheat Engine in order to select the game process.
- Keep the list.
- Activate the trainer options by checking boxes or setting values from 0 to 1
Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 has an Instructor system that allows you to learn skills from famous characters, such as Vegeta and Yamcha. This is similar to the mentor system from the last game, but it has undergone some changes.
I'm going to go over those changes and list the instructors so you know what to expect when you start looking for people to train under.
This guide will go over everything about instructors in Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 including:
- Instructor Info - What they do and how they are different from mentors in the 1st game.
- Instructor List - All the instructors you can learn from, what they teach, and when you unlock them.
Instructor Info
Instructors are NPCs that can teach you new skills. They are known people from the story, and unlock after completing certain story missions. You also get access to high level lessons and instructors by raising your academy level.
This is just like Mentors in the last game, but with a big difference -- you don't need to set them as your mentor to learn from them.
You can still choose 1 person at a time to be your actual Instructor. This will cause them to say things at the end of a mission, and can come help you when you are in trouble during a mission.
You can also unlock pictures you can use by mastering an instructor. You master them by using them in combat, using their skills, and getting high ranks on mission.
Each instructor has an initiation lesson you must complete before they start training, then 3 total lessons after that. This gives you a total of 4 skills you can learn from each instructor.
Instructor List
This section will list the instructors in the order you can unlock them. I will also list the requirements it takes to unlock them.
If you select someone as your instructor, they will appear in front of the Academy, regardless of where you first met them. If you pick someone else, they will go back to their original location.
- How to Unlock - Defeat Raditz in the first story mission.
- Initiation Lesson - Rise to Action (Power-up Skill)
- 1st Lesson - Orin Combo (Strike Super)
- 2nd Lesson - Destructo Disc (Ki Blast Super)
- 3rd Lesson - Scatter Kamehameha (Ki Blast Ultimate Attack)
- How to Unlock - Complete Krillin's 1st Mission.
- Initiation Lesson - Dodon Ray (Ki Blast Super)
- 1st Lesson - Volleyball Fist (Strike Super)
- 2nd Lesson - Tri-Beam (Ki Blast Super)
- 3rd Lesson - Neo Tri-Beam (Ki Blast Ultimate Attack)
- How to Unlock - Complete Krillin's 1st Mission.
- Initiation Lesson - Evil Explosion (Ki Blast Super)
- 1st Lesson - Super Explosion (Evasive Skill)
- 2nd Lesson - Light Grenade (Ki Blast Super)
- 3rd Lesson - Special Beam Cannon (Ki Blast Ultimate Attack)
Xenoverse 2 Pc Trainer
- How to Unlock - Complete Krillin's 1st Mission.
- Initiation Lesson - Fake Death (Strike Super)
- 1st Lesson - Wolf Fang Fist (Strike Super)
- 2nd Lesson - Ki Blast Thrust (Ki Blast Super)
- 3rd Lesson - Spirit Ball (Ki Blast Ultimate Attack)
- How to Unlock - Defeat Dodoria in the story.
- Initiation Lesson - Galick Gun (Ki Blast Super)
- 1st Lesson - Finish Breaker (Ki Blast Super)
- 2nd Lesson - Flash Strike (Ki Blast Super)
- Unlocked after reaching Kai rank in the Academy
- 3rd Lesson - Final Flash (Ki Blast Ultimate Attack)
- Unlocked after reaching Super rank in the Academy
- How to Unlock - Defeat Dodoria in the story.
- Initiation Lesson - Double Sunday (Ki Blast Super)
- 1st Lesson - Saturday Crash (Ki Blast Super)
- 2nd Lesson - Shining Friday (Ki Blast Super)
- 3rd Lesson - Weekend (Ki Blast Ultimate Attack)
- How to Unlock - Defeat Dodoria in the story.
- Initiation Lesson - Bomber DX (Ki Blast Super)
- 1st Lesson - Arm Crash (Strike Super)
- 2nd Lesson - Genocide Shell (Ki Blast Super)
- 3rd Lesson - Break Cannon (Ki Blast Ultimate Attack)
Kid Gohan
- How to Unlock - Defeat Dodoria in the story.
- Initiation Lesson - Evil Ray Strike (Strike Super)
- 1st Lesson - Evil Rise Strike (Strike Super)
- 2nd Lesson - Masenko (Ki Blast Super)
- 3rd Lesson - Explosive Assault (Ki Blast Ultimate Attack)
Captain Ginyu

- How to Unlock - Finish Frieza saga.
- Initiation Lesson - Fighting Pose F (Power-up Skill)
- 1st Lesson - Fighting Pose A (Power-up Skill)
- 2nd Lesson - Milky Cannon (Ki Blast Super)
- 3rd Lesson - Body Change (Ultimate Attack)
- How to Unlock - Finish Frieza saga.
- Initiation Lesson - Dodoria Beam (Ki Blast Super)
- 1st Lesson - Critical Upper (Strike Super)
- 2nd Lesson - Dodoria Headbutt (Strike Super)
- 3rd Lesson - Dodoria Launcher (Ki Blast Ultimate Attack)
- How to Unlock - Finish Frieza saga.
- Initiation Lesson - Audacious Laugh (Debuff Skill)
- 1st Lesson - Gorgeous Shot (Ki Blast Super)
- 2nd Lesson - Bloody Counter (Evasive Skill)
- 3rd Lesson - Elegant Blaster (Ki Blast Ultimate Attack)
- How to Unlock - Finish Frieza saga.
- Initiation Lesson - Death Beam (Ki Blast Super)
- 1st Lesson - Death Crasher (Strike Super)
- 2nd Lesson - Death Slicer (Ki Blast Super)
- 3rd Lesson - Death Ball (Ki Blast Ultimate Attack)
Lord Slug
- How to Unlock - Finish Future saga.
- Initiation Lesson - Evil Eyes (Ki Blast Super)
- 1st Lesson - Darkness Eye Beam (Ki Blast Super)
- 2nd Lesson - Darkness Twin Star (Ki Blast Super)
- 3rd Lesson - Darkness Rush (Strike Ultimate Attack)
- This has ranged and melee versions. Namekians can use the ranged version while all other races use the melee version.
Android 18
- How to Unlock - Finish Future saga.
- Initiation Lesson - Power Blitz (Ki Blast Super)
- 1st Lesson - Endless Shoot (Ki Blast Super)
- 2nd Lesson - Deadly Dance (Strike Super)
- 3rd Lesson - Dual Destructo Disc (Ki Blast Ultimate Attack)
- How to Unlock - Finish Future saga.
- Initiation Lesson - All Clear (Strike Super)
- 1st Lesson - Gravity Impact (Ki Blast Super)
- 2nd Lesson - Perfect Shot (Strike Super)
- 3rd Lesson - Perfect Kamehameha (Ki Blast Ultimate Attack)
- How to Unlock - Finish Buu saga.
- Initiation Lesson - Sudden Storm (Ki Blast Super)
- 1st Lesson - Kill Driver (Ki Blast Super)
- 2nd Lesson - Fruit of the Tree of Might (Strike Super)
- 3rd Lesson - Meteor Burst (Ki Blast Ultimate Attack)
Majin Buu
- How to Unlock - Finish Buu saga.
- Initiation Lesson - Innocence Bullet (Ki Blast Super)
- 1st Lesson - Angry Hit (Strike Super)
- 2nd Lesson - Innocence Cannon (Ki Blast Super)
- 3rd Lesson - Innocence Breath (Ki Blast Ultimate Attack)
- How to Unlock - Finish Buu saga.
- Initiation Lesson - Super Ghost Kamikaze Attack (Ki Blast Super)
- 1st Lesson - Galactic Donuts (Ki Blast Super)
- 2nd Lesson - Die Die Missile Barrage (Ki Blast Super)
- 3rd Lesson - Super Ghost Kamikaze Attack (Ki Blast Ultimate Attack)
- How to Unlock - Finish Buu saga and do his side mission where you must use the Applause emote.
- Initiation Lesson - Dynamite Kick (Strike Super)
- 1st Lesson - Present For You (Power-up Skill)
- 2nd Lesson - Rolling Hercule Punch (Strike Super)
- 3rd Lesson - The Savior Has Come (Taunt Ultimate Attack)
Gohan and Videl
- How to Unlock - Finish Buu saga.
- Initiation Lesson - Eagle Kick (Strike Super)
- 1st Lesson - Justice Rush (Strike Super)
- 2nd Lesson - Hawk Charge (Ki Blast Super)
- 3rd Lesson - Justice Combination (Strike Ultimate Attack)
- How to Unlock - Finish Buu saga.
- Initiation Lesson - God of Destruction's Anger (Ki Blast Super)
- 1st Lesson - God of Destruction's Rampage (Strike Super)
- 2nd Lesson - God of Destruction's Wrath (Ki Blast Super)
- 3rd Lesson - Sphere of Destruction (Ki Blast Ultimate Attack)
- How to Unlock - Finish Buu saga. You will find him in the sky near the Time Machine, where you do online battles and Parallel quests.
- He will fly to you and challenge you to a fight when you get close enough.
- After that, leave the city by doing a quest or lesson, then you'll find him in the north of the map on a Mushroom in Mushroom Desert.
- Initiation Lesson - Blaster Shell (Ki Blast Super)
- 1st Lesson - Blaster Meteor (Evasive Skill)
- 2nd Lesson - Gigantic Omega (Strike Super)
- 3rd Lesson - Gigantic Meteor (Ki Blast Ultimate Attack)
- How to Unlock - Finish the story.
- Initiation Lesson - Dancing Parapara (Other)
- 1st Lesson - Prepare to Be Punished (Power-Up Skill)
- 2nd Lesson - Feint Shot (Ki Blast Super)
- 3rd Lesson - Maiden Blast (Strike Ultimate Attack)
Dragon Ball Xenoverse Cheats
- How to Unlock - Finish the story.
- Initiation Lesson - Spirit Bomb (Ki Blast Super)
- 1st Lesson - Instant Transmission (Teleport)
- 2nd Lesson - x10 Kamehameha (Ki Blast Super)
- 3rd Lesson - Super Kamehameha (Ki Blast Ultimate Attack)
Xenoverse Trainers
- How to Unlock - Finish the story.
- Initiation Lesson - Hero Pose (Power-up Skill)
- 1st Lesson - Elite Beam (Ki Blast Super)
- 2nd Lesson - Elite Shooting (Ki Blast Super)
- 3rd Lesson - Super Elite Combo (Strike Ultimate Attack)
Xenoverse Trainer Pc
That's it for my guide on Instructors in Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2. Let me know if you have any questions!